Carpet Runner End Finish Explained

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Carpet Runner End Finishes Explained

End Finish options are found and can be added on each of our runner product pages when ordering.

Carpet Runner End Finishes Explained, End Cap or Serged End
Two Available End Finishes

End finish prices are for two ends. Runner products are cut from a roll producing unfinished ends. The need for an end finish is dependent upon the surface on which the runner will end.


Staircase: In most cases it is not necessary to finish the ends of a runner when installed on the staircase only. A stair runner will often end on the vertical surface – generally the top and bottom risers. –  Click here to see examples.

Hall, Floor, Landing:  When a carpet runner is to end on a floor surface such a landing, hallway or any floor it requires an end finish since it is ending on a horizontal surface.

 We offer two different types of end finishes shown here and explained below. 


Brilliant hall runner 7226 Ivory red carpet runner end cap
Hall Carpet Runner End Finish – End Capped

 End Capping – A Custom End Finish  – a custom fabrication adding the border to the end of a runner for a finished look with the border design on all four sides. End capping is ordered on each runner product page – the end capping service/option adds the custom fabrication labor and the runner footage from which to get the border material to be added. It does not add to the finished length.  

An end cap added to a runner can be used to create a small area rug, to finish the ends of a hallway runner or an end finish for a stair runner installation which ends on a landing/hall surface. All End Capping and other Custom Fabrication work is done by Owner, John Hunyadi   Click here to see more examples of John’s End Capping Work


Brilliant-7278-Slate-Stair-and-Hall-Runner-Installation, Carpet runner end finish serging
Carpet Runner End Finish – Serging

Serging – Yarn Wrap End Finish Serging refers to a yarn wrap edge finish found on the side edges of runner products. Serging is also the other end finish option we offer. It is is less expensive than end capping, and should be added to the cut ends of a runner ending on any horizontal surface – a hall/floor runner or if your stair runner installation will end on a landing or hallway surface.

How to Order: End Finishes are an option on each runner product page. When ordering, simply select the finish you would like. Below are answers to questions that commonly come up with regard to end finishes.
 – When ordering more than one runner to be end finished –  each length must be added to the cart individually, along with the selected finish. 
Example: If you would like both a 5′ piece and an 8′ piece, each with an end finish.
Choose the 5′ length and Select the end finish you’d like –  Add to Cart.
Choose the 8′ length and Select the end finish you’d like –  Add to Cart.
 – ALL DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE – please contact us if you have specific concerns about width or length dimensions.– If you would like a hall runner finished to a size other than a full foot increment* – We can certainly accommodate your request. Please let us know immediately after placing your order and we will confirm receipt of your request.  Runners are sold by the full linear foot, so you will need to order the next largest full foot increment.
Example: for a 9′ 6″ finished length – Please order 10 linear feet and notify us of the finished size request of 9′ 6″  To notify us, you can reply to the order confirmation email OR use the Contact Us page OR call us at 203-888-5566  OR 888-590-5566.

*End Capped Runner – Finished Length: When end capping a runner, we hope to create a finished look that uses the pattern in the most pleasing way available within the constraints of two variables: the product pattern repeat and the desired finished length. To achieve pleasing pattern use, it is often necessary to have some flexibility in that length.  We will communicate the potential length variance before fabricating so that you can choose a result that best fits your needs. This type of personal service is what sets us apart from other web sites selling Hall and Stair Runner Products.
(NOTE: an end capped runner can certainly be made to your original desired approximate length dimension if pattern placement is not your priority)Please Contact Us OR call 203-888-5566  OR 888-590-5566 with any questions about your Hall  and Stair Runner Project